Monday, August 17, 2009

June 14, 2008

It's Saturday and despite sleeping until about 11:30 I am still tired. It was probably because I was talking on the phone late to Krista and then watching TV and hanging out in the living room with Mike and Ryan. Other than that though seriously summer school hours are easy, I haven't started packing to move yet and I've been slacking on working out, so really I shouldn't be too tired. Hopefully a little lunch will cheer me up.

It's less than a week until I get to see Krista in Colorado. I'm glad that Mike and Steve have decided to come along and hang out in Colorado Springs while I'm in Denver. So Krista and I have now been dating for a over a month and haven't seen each other in a month, but that will change next week when I am in Denver with her at Julia's wedding. It should be fun, since the last ten weddings I have been at I have gone stag, and yes there were some good times, but it should be quite fun to accompany Krista.

The afternoon was boring until Mike and I went to the gym and did a light workout, we will save the heavy workout for Monday. That got me a little more energy and I had a two minute conversation with Krista as she was walking to the Subway, she likes to do that and I enjoy any conversation with her at this point. We are finally able to talk later on, I go into my room to talk to her and we talk how things are and how much we cannot wait to see each other in like 5 days. We are talking about what we will do when we get to see each other and the arrangements for the weekend. Krista seems pretty tired on the phone, she has been walking around New York all day and she is an hour ahead of me. I tell her goodbye and how I miss her and she tells me the same thing and that she is sorry she is so tired and can't talk longer. After I get off, I chill in the living room and watch some TV with Mike and Ryan again.

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty crazy how sometimes those normal days are the one's we remember - nice memory!
